About Scott
Scott was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum when he was 3.5 years old. His earliest explorations were of stick-like figures falling. In elementary and middle school he could more readily communicate through his stick-like figures than speaking.
Language came slowing for Scott, but drawing has been with him from an early age. In high school teachers often used the option to draw with his markers as his reward. Although his early drawings were often limited to shades of orange, his fearless use of color became part of his style by high school.
Scott says, “I just paint,” or “I just draw”. From his perspective, that’s exactly what he does. But, since he first began to draw comic strips at a fairly young age, his artwork has served an important communication function as well. It is a gateway into his world. He draws and paints things that interest, amuse, concern, and inspire him. Through his art, Scott shows the viewer not only what he sees, but also his perception of it. He strives to convey his subjects as he experiences them rather than merely creating an accurate likeness. The focal person or object in Scott’s artwork often shares equal importance with objects in the background. Particularly in his portraits, the details may provide insight about the subject more than the figure itself.
Today, his pallet is full of color, bold, vibrant, and masterfully placed. His range of subject matter has expanded from cartoon-like drawings to themes including animals, people, landscapes, architecture, and abstract designs. His portraits are often quirky and colorful. He has had several commissioned pieces and shown his work at several shows.
Color is Scott’s visual vocabulary. He uses it intuitively and is more concerned with capturing the essence of his subject than with realistic representation. His painting and drawing are usually executed with bright, bold colors though in highly sophisticated combinations. The positioning of color areas is another key element in Scott’s compositions. He uses it for maximum impact to enable the viewer to take in the whole image at once, then moves leisurely through the details.
Although social interactions and interpreting the emotional cues of others is often difficult for individuals on the autism spectrum, these are frequently demonstrated in Scott’s drawings and paintings. He hopes his work will raise issues centered on how people with special needs see and feel in the community, and how the community may see and feel about them.